Crafting the Climb Video Series

Crafting the Climb: A Conversation with our Founder, Kyle Willis

The Crafting the Climb Series is a conversation with Kyle, the Founder of High Mountain Gear. Based in Tacoma, WA, High Mountain Gear creates premium technical gear for guides, skiers, and climbers who thrive in the outdoors. 

The Crafting the Climb Series introduces you to the man behind the brand. During these conversations, Kyle shares his thoughts on sustainability and craftsmanship as it relates to climbing gear.  

High Mountain Gear was started as an attempt by Kyle to fix his own gear with a sewing machine. To keep gear out of landfills, Kyle started fixing other people's gear, too. Fixing soon led to creating, and before long, Kyle was making his own products to fill gaps in the market at a reasonable price, and High Mountain Gear was born.

Please drop a comment and let us know what questions you might have for Kyle so that we can cover it in an upcoming episode!

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